The association aims to promote artisanal excellence through training and support for artisans

L’association a pour objectif 
la promotion de l’excellence artisanale par la formation
et le soutien aux artisans

The association aims to promote artisanal excellence through training and support for artisans

The Timendotes Association is devoted to preserving the sfifa, a traditional Moroccan form of passementerie ornamenting the caftan, takchita and the Keswa El Kbira. The sfifa demarcates the unique diversity of regional Moroccan dress through its application as decorative plastrons and geometric lines. 

This ancestral weaving technique, using small cards threaded on a loom, is a testimony to the rich history of cultural and artistic exchange between North Africa and the Mediterranean. 

The rise of machine copying had a devastating impact on artisans’ livelihoods. The Timendotes association supports master artisans who hand weave sfifa with professional training and access to high-value luxury markets. Timendotes also provides training opportunities for women from rural communities.

By promoting craft excellence, Timendotes ensures the continued existence of this rich traditional art form. The sfifa is much more than an ornament; it is a vital expression of Morocco’s intangible cultural heritage.

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Mohammed Amine Dadda
+32 472 30 10 84
[email protected]